
When your newborn is mostly sleeping and eating, packing the diaper bag is very straightforward. Then one day the infant has grown into a baby who grows into a toddler, and life is not quite as simple. The toddler has a favorite lovie, a favorite snack, a favorite toy, and will only wear the hat with the giraffe on it. Hand the little one anything different and you quickly discover why the toddler stage can be a challenging time.

Instead of a diaper bag, the carry-all becomes a haven for the toddlers favorite things that must go with him or her whenever leaving the house. Complicating the process of packing the diaper bag is the fact that older children need more items to occupy their attention. Gently pushing a pacifier into an infant’s mouth is a simple way to help the baby develop stronger jaw muscles for eating real food later in life. The infant will happily suck on the pacifier for a long while, completely contented until the next meal.


A toddler is not so easily distracted. The toddler is on a mission to learn and play, and there are no rules that say both should only happen at home. As far as the toddler is concerned, when it is time to play…well…it is time to play. As a result, mom and dad must be well-prepared to accommodate their son or daughter.

Packing a designer diaper bag for a baby still in diapers or training pants, but old enough to express an opinion, is quite different from packing for a newborn completely dependent on the parents’ opinions. Sure, you still need diapers, wipes, sanitizer, and bibs, and other typical baby items. You may need the pacifier and a bottle. But you will also need a host of other items, if you want to be well-prepared for the toddler’s requests or your caretaking needs. These items may include:

* A baggie filled with a preferred cereal* A book suitable for a 1-3 year old* Toys, preferably soft, lightweight and easy to carry* Suntan lotion* Colorful band-aids suitable for a toddler’s skin* Personalized flatware for a sudden stop at the restaurant (because the spoon MUST have the child’s name on it)* Favorite can’t-leave-home –without-it item* Extra pull-on diapers or training pants (to make life simpler for mom)* Paper toilet seat covers

The toys that are placed in the diaper bag should stay in the diaper bag. Over time, the child will learn that the special toys go along for the ride and are always available. The toddler is much more likely to forget about the favorite toy at home and will ask for the toys in the diaper bag. In addition, keeping the toys in the diaper bag will also ensure that you do not forget to pack some play things.

A Mom’s Motto: Always Prepared

As you pack a diaper bag for a toddler, you have to think beyond the typical infant items. An older child is much more aware of the world, has a short attention span, and can get quite rambunctious when bored or ready to play. The problem is that you just never know when the toddler will be ready to play or will ask for the favorite cereal, so mom or dad must be prepared. A larger stylish diaper bag like the Petunia Pickle Bottom bags are perfect because they have plenty of compartments but look like beautiful handbags.

Your toddler will be so happy when she demands her “boopie doll” and you can produce it in a matter of minutes. That is what being prepared is all about.