The Top 3 Cosmetic Dentistry Mistakes And How To Avoid Them



Eric Windfield

Every day thousands of people from San Tropez to San Diego receive cosmetic dentistry with which they are not satisfied.

They leave their cosmetic dentist having received treatment which they know will impact on their level of self-confidence for years to come.So whether you’re considering cosmetic dentistry in San Diego or San Juan it’s important to avoid these common pitfalls that are made by thousands of people all around the world.Mistake #1 – Paint The House Before You Mend The RoofCosmetic dentistry should only be undertaken when the rest of your teeth are in good condition.Although it’s tempting to focus on the cosmetic treatments that will make your teeth look better, it’s important not to neglect any decay or gum disease elsewhere in your mouth.There’s little point paying for expensive cosmetic dentistry if other parts of your mouth still contain decay which may cause the work to deteriorate rapidly over time.So when developing a comprehensive treatment plan, your cosmetic dentist should put the overall long-term health of your mouth ahead of any short-term aesthetic improvements.Mistake #2 – Not Addressing Your Uncertainties Before You BeginOne of the biggest concerns held by people considering cosmetic dental treatment is the need to know what the finished work will look like before you begin.This is perfectly natural.All cosmetic treatment is a big commitment, so it’s vital that you have enough information and guidance to make an informed choice about the right way to proceed, before the treatment begins.In most cases it’s possible for your dentist to give you an example of what your mouth will look like after the treatment by showing you various photos, models of your mouth and computer generated images.In some cases, they will also be able to let you preview their work by placing temporary material directly on to your teeth.If you’re still not sure, take your time, keep asking your dentist questions until you’re certain about what you want to achieve and the best way to achieve it.Even if it takes a number of consultations before you begin, it will help you to reach a final choice that you’re happy with. Experienced cosmetic dentists will be happy to discuss every aspect of the process in detail with you. They should also be able to show you a wide selection of before and after pictures of their other patients who have received similar treatments.Mistake #3 – Assuming That Your Cosmetic Treatment Will Last ForeverThis is one of the most common mistakes made by people considering cosmetic dentistry. They assume that once their teeth look perfect they will remain that way forever.So how long will the cosmetic treatment last?Predicting the lifespan of cosmetic dental work is extremely difficult and depends on a wide range of factors, from the quality of the work, the quality of the materials used, your diet, your bite dynamics, your saliva, your continued dental hygene etc.For example, if you opt for porcelain venners and they last 7 years, how many times will the work have to be replaced during your lifetime?Aside from the issue of cost, there is the loss of material from your teeth everytime the work is replaced. That’s why is important to consider the best and least destructive way to achieve the cosmetic results that you want.So cosmetic treatments that involve little of no drilling and materials that can be repaired invisibly to extend their lifespan are worth considering.

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The Top 3 Cosmetic Dentistry Mistakes And How To Avoid Them}